I don’t know about you but I’ve always wondered what exactly people meant by saying pain is your best teacher. I thought, “Really? How so?” Today, I found my answer in the most unexpected way – as I was researching a problem I needed a solution for. 😉
Ohhhhhhh! I got it! 😃 Therein lies my answer!
I always felt pain is your best teacher because when you’re in pain, you’re more attuned, aware, and cognizant of yourself. And, that is true. I mean, even if you do NOTHING about your problem, pain is doing its job of teaching you by having you feel the acuteness of the agony.
However, what I noticed this morning is that pain is your best teacher because when you’re in pain, you’re also more likely to look for how to make that pain go away. That, in fact, is the main concept business is based on. People have problems; businesses provide products and services as solutions.
So, what was the problem I was needing a solution for? How to get more people to say yes to my Rock Your Life Bootcamp so that I can help them live happier, better lives and help create a better world.
How Pain Is Your Best Teacher
It absolutely breaks my heart to see so many people in this world so unhappy for so many different reasons. For a lot of people, the reason is simply they do not have the necessary tools to cope with life and grow with. And here’s the saddest thing of all: they don’t even really get or realize that!
That was me many over 20 years ago. I was this good girl trying my heart out but didn’t even know personal development existed! I thought my life was as I saw it and that my situation was just hopeless. I thought I was doomed until I looked around and thought “Wait a minute! There are very nice and happy people in the world doing great things. There is absolutely NO reason that can’t be me!”
That realization is what set me off on my journey to creating a life I really loved and now, here I am teaching just that! 🙌 Indeed pain is your best teacher! I am living proof! 😊
Whatever your pain is about your life, whatever you’re struggling with and want to make better, I promise you there is a solution. NONE of us goes to school and is shown how to grow through life! That’s a gift you get to bestow upon yourself. That is the gift of self-discovery as you go on the journey of life. Don’t miss out on yours!
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
P.S. My next 31-day life improvement bootcamp begins tomorrow. For more information, check out RockYourLifeBootcamp.com!