Breaking free from your old self is not easy. It comes with great costs, in fact, to the very same degree as your gains. When I look back upon the years of my journey to my real self, I feel sadness for some losses. Those would be the moments I wasn’t able to be there fully for my kids, the effect of my mistakes on them and the like. I regret very little other than those things and my hope is that what we’ve been through serves them in their own journeys.
While I do feel a certain sadness over those regrets, I also, in the very same breath, feel that I am a million percent more able to help my kids on their life journeys now having been through mine. If I had not first done the work to be myself, I could never counsel my kids to be themselves. How could I? I wouldn’t know the first thing to tell them. I didn’t want that to be the case.
Pure joy is being aligned with one’s soul. If I wasn’t aligned with mine, how could I show them how to be truly connected to themselves and, thus, happy? Do the work, Narah. Do the work! That’s what I kept hearing my Higher Self telling me. And so I chose to do just that. For my children and even yours – for all people, really, and for God – I have done what I have done with my life. For the benefit of all now and in future generations, I became the real me.
Steps and The Main Key To Breaking Free
I think one of the reasons more people are not breaking free is that they believe in this world of seeming limitations instead of in what’s truly possible. That belief makes people so nervous and fearful that they forget to connect to their hearts to gain the valor they need.
Courage is the main key to breaking free. Long before courage comes though, there’s listening to be done. Listen to your heart and soul. They speak to you through your body and feelings.
Can’t sleep? Ask yourself why.
Stressed to no end? Ask yourself why.
Can’t concentrate? Ask yourself why.
Ask yourself all the questions and then listen again… listen for your own answers pouring forth. All you need to know about what’s really going on with you is right inside of you!
After listening to your body and feelings, asking yourself the honest questions, and inevitably receiving the answers, you will know the next step is trusting.
Having listened to my soul and asked myself what was really going on that I couldn’t sleep, and having received the answers (all having to do with this one fact that kept repeating itself to me as if on a loop: you know you’re not being the real you and that this cannot go on!), I still felt flustered and downright scared. All I could do at this point was ask of myself – and, really, of God – what do you want from me?! The answer came, of course, and in 4 simple words to boot too: You Must Trust Me.
Go Be
Now, here was the crystal clear answer and direction, I knew exactly what I had to do – trust the direction God was giving me through my very own soul – and yet, I still needed that main key: the courage to actually take the action so that I could make the changes I needed to and be myself.
So, how did I get the courage? By choosing to embark on the path that would end in my being the real me knowing that this choice was authentic and true to my soul’s call.
You must know that what you are off to accomplishing is being the true self you were born and created to be. That is the only thing that’ll really give you the willingness to risk. You will not move an inch otherwise.
Imagine your real self at the top of the mountain you’ve climbed to become. It will be the real you there, in full integrity, whole. Feel your true heartbeat as you stand up, feeling poised and strong, having gone through the entire path you see below. Now trace that path back to the very beginning, to the very first step, and look that unsure, frightened you right in the eyes and say:
Be brave now. Go. Simply put one foot in front of the other. Ask “where to next?” as you move forward. Listen and then go some more knowing down to your bones that you’re breaking free from everything that’s telling you that you can’t be your very soul.
All my love to you always,
Creator of the Rock Your Life Bootcamp
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving