I have been cleaning house for some time now both literally and figuratively. Yesterday I removed myself as an admin from Facebook pages I am no longer doing social media or Facebook ads for, unsubscribed from newsletters I don’t read because I have no interest, and got rid of paperwork I have no need for at all any more.
This did 2 things for me:
- It made room for that which I want my energy to be directed to, and
- It put a stop to the procrastination of not changing the status quo of certain things in my life.
When you want to grow in the direction your soul is asking you to, you often have to make changes to open up new avenues.Β I am committed to keeping my focus and attention on only those things which serve a purpose in my life. As such, if something (or someone) has no purpose, it is bye-bye time… and without the guilt too.
The past simply has to go for us to be free of that which just takes up room and space or is nothing but an old entanglement so that you can give that energy to that and those which I truly want to be associated with. It’s that simple.
Cleaning house is not a bad thing. It’s simply necessary. Clothes are next!Β π
All my love to you always,
βLife is too short & too beautiful to waste!β
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving