Failure is not the most fun thing in the world but it is a necessary experience and if you’re failing forward, it is actually a good thing. What does failing forward mean? Failing forward means learning from your mistakes. It is the act of using mistakes as your stepping stones to do better in your next project or attempt at something.
If you are going to do your best work in life, you’re going to fail often and much and it’s going to hurt like getting punched in the gut hurts. Here are the 3 top ways I have survived failing forward so far in my life:
- Staying focused on my end goal – being who I know in my heart of hearts I was made to be. If you don’t have a mission, you’ll quit. Know your end goal so that you can keep your eyes on it when the going gets tough.
- Knowing failure is not fatal – I may be sad by the fact I’m not succeeding at what I’m committed to but it’s certainly not going to kill me. Giving up would be way more painful. I prefer to keep giving my all.
- Reminding myself to be patient as God isn’t finished with me yet. If I’m still here on this planet, I am not done yet so why would I throw in the towel? I can’t. I won’t.
The hardest part about failure is that it is looked down upon. Everyone loves a winner; everyone hates a loser too. Yet, failing is a required component of success.
Remember that as you continue figuring things out and making improvements. Be strong in the face of discouragement and disagreement from most. Stay connected to your soul and hold on your beating heart. Remind yourself failing forward is simply part of the journey of life and making it back Home.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
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