The most important thing you have to do in life is find your life purpose. You cannot find your life purpose, however, if you don’t first find your soul. This is why I always talk about connecting with your heart and why my number one mission in life is to help people do just that. I believe in this so much, it is even what’s on my Facebook profile intro as you can see in the picture below. It’s also what I posted about this morning on my Narah Valenska Smith Facebook business page.
“Lover of God, people & life. Encourager. Helping people connect to the true voice in their hearts.”
My Mission
That is my mission – to help people connect to their hearts so that they can be their authentic selves and be and do what they came here to this earth to be and do. So, here’s the simple way to find out what your life purpose is.
How To Discover Your Life Purpose
Connecting to your heart and soul – there’s no other way to find your life purpose than that. That’s step number one, at least. If you don’t make that connection with your truest, highest self, you will never be aligned with your inner integrity, much less your divinity. This will always leave you feeling small and off center, like something is missing or not quite right. You may also feel as if you are lost in some deep, intrinsic, existential way and that’s because you are. When you are not yourself, you might as well be a million miles away!
That’s how I felt when I began my journey to self-discovery. Even though I had it all and was so grateful for it, I couldn’t make the feeling of disconnect go away. I had tried and done it all except get real with myself by connecting to my heart and asking myself the BIG questions with the desire to actually get the answers. In all honesty, I was afraid of what they would be and where they would take me… probably because I already knew it would mean big changes for me and my life.
Eventually, I realized I could not outrun myself and these haunting feelings of inner turmoil. I could no longer go another day or another step. I felt I had to face myself once and for all and did and now, here I am… the REAL me.!
First of all, it is still truly shocking I did it and didn’t actually die in the process as I felt I might. The other me did die but not the real me. The real me made it! Today, I am my true self to the core and nothing could be more right or fulfilling so I can only wish it upon every other soul.
Can you imagine what it’s like to no longer have the same old questions nagging you or the same old doubts torturing you? It is a blessing. The outcome for me is that I know who I am and I am who I am. I get to walk through life DAILY on the outside being who I feel I am on the inside and who I was truly created to be. Nothing I ever had materially in the past compares to this precious possession of my true heart.
My Step-by-Step Process To Find Your Life Purpose
So, how exactly did I do this? How exactly did I discover my life purpose and become myself? While this has been a journey and everyone has their own, there are some mile markers so to speak. I’ll give them to you here so that you may also find your soul and way in the world.
- Connect with yourself, with your heart of hearts, so that you can get clear on what it is you really want and where you’re headed. How? Close your eyes, put your hands over your heart, and ask it “what do you really, really want?”
- Ask yourself what your intention is in life and in everything you do. This will align you with your highest ideals.
- Write a list of the things you love to do, come naturally to you, and bring you great joy and satisfaction.
- Write a list of the things people have told you that you’re really good at.
- Ask yourself what it is you really want to do with your life so that when you’re in the later stages of your life, you don’t look back with regret.
- Get responsible for yourself and your life and your results. Own the fact that your life is completely up to you. Nothing can keep you from your life purpose and the real you but you.
- BE and DO what truly comes from your heart. This seems so cryptic and general but really, it is everything. Be who you feel you truly are and do the things you know are real and from the core of you.
You are so wonderfully unique! You are here to serve others with your passions, talents, and gift and this world needs you! I encourage you to take the steps above and do the work to find your life purpose and be who you came here to be once and for all.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
P.S. If you’d like to go deeper into discovering your life purpose, my online training and tele-class might be something you might be interested in. Check it out here.
FREE “CREATE THE LIFE YOU REALLY WANT” WORKSHOP WEBINAR for those of you who want to improve yourselves and your lives
In this FREE 1-Hour Workshop Webinar, you will:
- Learn the 5 SIMPLE STEPS to take to create the life you want
…and receive a checklist to use as a guide & stay on track
- Get CLARITY on what’s working & what’s not in your life
…by asking yourself the 3 most important questions
- Put together a PLAN OF ACTION for progress & results
…including daily practices to start implementing right away
Sign up here for instant access to this life-changing FREE coaching session where we will actually do the work so that our lives can be better not one day someday but right now, today, immediately! I look forward to seeing you on the inside and to you walking away with a plan to succeed! 😃