The first thing most human beings tend to do when they find themselves struggling in any way in life is get discouraged. This is a normal reaction as no one prefers difficulties and adversity over things going their way. However, challenges and problems are part of life and the first thing to do when we encounter them is accept them as they are not going to disappear just because we are utterly demoralized by them and frowning about them.
Three Ways That Can Help You Stop Struggling Immediately
When you resist what is happening, you experience what is referred to as struggling. If you were to take a moment to step back instead and look at your situation objectively, however, you’d realize, number one, that it’s not the end of the world because nothing really is. Number two, by taking a step back and looking at other things that are happening in life and in the world, you’d also realize you’re not the center of the universe. In fact, much worse things are happening to many others than to you so perspective is very important. Lastly, if you take a moment to realize that you’re going to die some day and that what is happening is essentially meaningless, you’ll quickly see that your struggling is pretty much pointless.
If that is all not enough reason to not give in to the struggling, consider that you only add fuel to the fire of the situation you find yourself in by becoming discouraged. Think about it: you’re in a bad situation and now you are adding your negative emotion to it. You may want to use that energy to either breathe and restore yourself to calm and sanity or to find solutions instead.
Also, look for what you can learn from the situation you find yourself in. Problems and obstacles in your life are opportunities for growth and evolution. They are cracks that give way to results you want instead of what you don’t. Look for the gold!
Remember to simply be present in the midst of things too. Just be and observe and remember you are not alone in having problems or in struggling because everyone does. And, if all else fails, maybe even just call it a day, get under the covers, and get some sleep because, ultimately, this too shall pass as all else did.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
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