
DAILY REAL BLOG 023 - Incomplete Work by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

Incomplete work is fascinating when it comes to unfinished paintings by the greats. At the Met (the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York), there are over two dozen such works from the 15th century to the 19th century. These pieces of art inspire in a way our mundane incomplete work and to do’s decidedly do not. Yet, we must still do whatever it takes to complete our incomplete work if we want to leave the past behind and move forward powerfully.

I’m in the midst of completing incomplete work in my life and have been for the last 2 1/2 years. When you have been through a lot of moves and changes – not to mention having a baby – a lot of things necessarily get left by the wayside. Priorities simply get re-ordered in the different seasons of our lives. They have to as there are only so many hours in the day and so much we can really do. As Don Miguel Ruiz says in his book,The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book), you will not do as much when you’re sick as when you’re well. It’s the same concept here.

Interestingly enough, cleaning and organizing our lives is what an OWN TV tweet was about yesterday. It is also, in fact, what my Rock Your Life Bootcamp (RYLB) is about – bringing the puzzle pieces of our lives together so that we can create the masterpiece of a life we really want. To that end, we go through 5 weeks of all the areas we need to clean up and organize and, of course, a lot more.

Today being Sunday, I get to do my weekly assessment and scheduling so that I can begin the new week as powerfully as possible tomorrow. I hope after your Sunday Funday you do the same so that you can hit the ground running in a good way too. Wishing you the very best as you continue on your journey!

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy.
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving

Narah Valenska Smith - 2018 - Happiness is Being The Real You - IMG_7777

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FREE “CREATE THE LIFE YOU REALLY WANT” WORKSHOP WEBINAR for those of you who want to improve yourselves and your lives

Create The Life You Really Want - Workshop Webinar by Narah Valenska Smith

In this FREE 1-Hour Workshop Webinar, you will:

Sign up here for instant access to this life-changing FREE coaching session where we will actually do the work so that our lives can be better not one day someday but right now, today, immediately! I look forward to seeing you on the inside and to you walking away with a plan to succeed! 😃



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