A life makeover… I don’t know about you but that’s what I want and need right about now… ESPECIALLY after 5 days of not writing!
I started this post last week on Wednesday, March, 28th and am only now, Monday, April 2nd, getting back to it. True, it was Spring Break last week and I had 3 kids to tend to, and work to do, and and and. But, that being said, I just know there’s a life makeover in the works.
You know when you get that feeling in your gut? It’s that kind of knowing for me right now. It always starts with that physical sensation I get and then the words start flowing into my head from my heart. Listen up, girl… it calls out to me. I’ve got news for you! I love when that happens and so, I listen… always… because that voice is genuine and honest and my peace and what always works for me, above all things, no matter what’s happening in my life or the world itself for all intents and purposes.
Are You Listening?
Other than being connected to my heart and having my faith, having the courage to listen to that voice and DO what it says is my greatest asset. How could I not listen? That voice is my GPS. It’s my everything and I trust it implicitly because I know it’s the voice of God.
So, the voice has been talking, telling me things, little by little, giving me pieces of the puzzle it wants me to put together and I’ve been taking each step and doing as told, one thing at a time. Now, I feel another step and change coming on… the first major step was to get writing daily… and now, here comes step 2.
Step 2 starts with the shift from primarily showing up as Personal Coach on my Facebook page back to showing up primarily Writer. Facebook allows you to pick 3 subjects and to put them in the order you wish. However, it only shows the first one. To see the other 2, you have to go into the About section of the page.
I put Personal Coach first in the last year or so because of my promotions for my Rock Your Life Bootcamp but I’m a coach only after writer and speaker. These latter 2 are what I was born to do. That I love to help people create wonderful lives they truly love is third. I write first, I speak second, I coach third. So, that’s how my page now shows up because that’s how I now show up. The life makeover has already begun!
Do You Need A Life Makeover?
I don’t know if you need a life makeover. I don’t know if you need to improve your life or not. Only you now that. For me, this is simply what I feel, know to be true, and have been led to as I keep moving through my life marching to the beat of God’s drum in my heart.
To that, I can only add that it is the greatest thing in the world to know you are connected to God. So, know that. Your heart is Home 101. It is even greater yet though to know just how much God supports you in being who you truly are. No one wants it for you more, my friend. No one. And that, I’ve learned, is Life 101. All we have to do is answer the call, each and every time, to be moved to the next stepping stone on the line.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
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In this FREE 1-Hour Workshop Webinar, you will:
- Learn the 5 SIMPLE STEPS to take to create the life you want
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- Get CLARITY on what’s working & what’s not in your life
…by asking yourself the 3 most important questions
- Put together a PLAN OF ACTION for progress & results
…including daily practices to start implementing right away
Sign up here for instant access to this life-changing FREE coaching session where we will actually do the work so that our lives can be better not one day someday but right now, today, immediately! I look forward to seeing you on the inside and to you walking away with a plan to succeed! 😃