I don’t like picture perfect because I know it’s not real. I like things as they really are. That’s why when I go off my writing for 3 weeks (my last post was on April 14th), nothing is what you see because I don’t post just for the sake of posting.
I like to go at the pace things really are. Since I didn’t get to complete the blogs I’d started, I didn’t post them. And, even on Facebook, I only posted one time a week these last few weeks and wrote about the whole issue and where I’m at here.
When I see picture perfect online, it literally gives me the creeps. I want zero part of that image, illusion, b.s. I like my life as it really, truly is – flawed, imperfect, an absolute pleasure at times, painful and a total nightmare at others. I simply love the whole spectrum of living. To me, the whole enchilada is what makes it true and, thus, fulfilling.
Picture Perfect Will Not Fly Around Here
In the same vein, don’t do picture perfect with me. I won’t accept it from anyone any more than I accept it from myself. I think the beauty of life is in what’s true, who people really are, what they’re up to, what they’re dealing with or downright struggling with. That’s being human and I love humanity so much. As crazed as we seem to be, I think we are the most blessed species on Earth.
I truly believe a lot of the darkness would go away in life if we were honest and simply talked to one another and helped each other. Always feel free to talk to me. I love hearing from you. Come as you are. No need to be picture perfect with me.
All my LOVE to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving