There is NOTHING more important in life than your personal potential. When we do not develop ourselves fully or maximize our potential, we do not contribute the best of ourselves that’s possible to our world.
Here’s the thing though: your personal potential is NOT about being your “perfect” self. Instead, it is about being your best human self. It’s about your values and principles and how you live your life on an ongoing basis.
Are you loving (to yourself and others)?
Are you willing to learn and grow?
Are you compassionate?
Are you courageous?
Are you patient?
Are you kind?
Do you try?
The best of those traits you can be – and whether you care to even try or not – is what actually makes you the best possible you.
Examples of Your Personal Potential
Your personal potential is not your perfect body, teeth, hair or skin. It’s whether you’re someone who listens to others and tries to help people out.
It is not your nice car, clothes or house. It’s whether you’re someone who reveres others and respects people in general.
Never ever is it about your abundant bank account or popularity either. It’s whether you’re someone whose personal attitude makes a real dent in the world because you’re first attuned to yourself, your heart, your conscience, your good intentions and desire to make a positive difference.
When you’re being your potential for the right reasons, you never feel exhausted by it. It is not only easy but gracious to be in the spiritual flow of yourself not to mention an honor because it is what’s right through and through.
Everything I do, I do from the core of myself. To me, there’s no better way to live. I am who I am and do what I do because I absolutely want to and feel compelled to.
You do you. Whatever most has you feel in integrity with YOUR heart, spirit and soul, be that, do that! You are here in this world for ONE simple reason: TO BE YOURSELF not to be someone else.
Being your personal potential is, therefore, not just possible but quite simple. All you really need to do is continually connect to your heart and go from there as led.
Be The Real You, my friend! This is what will make not just your life great but everyone else’s as well.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
P.S. If you’re struggling in any way in your life, with being tuned in to your core self, being the real you, and living a life you truly love, perhaps I can help. Let’s set up a time for me to hear about your situation and discuss what’s going on for you. Schedule a call or text / DM convo (whatever you’re comfortable with and prefer), using this link.