This is Episode 7 of THE REAL YOU LIVING PODCAST with NARAH VALENSKA and it is dedicated to every single immigrant not just in the United States but everywhere out in the world in honor of the courage it takes to be a newcomer in a foreign land and start all over again from nothing.
Do you know how it feels to be an immigrant?
I know the feeling intimately as thirty-eight years ago today, August 5th, 1982, I arrived in the U.S. as a 10 year-old going into the 7th grade NOT speaking a single word of English. I was scared to death and share with you my experience so that you can see from my experience what an immigrant goes through in this episode AND I also share how the issue of immigration fits into the grand scheme of things of life itself and who we are as human beings.
Gotta be honest… I cried when listening back to this episode after I recorded it, right at the part when I talk about coming to this country NOT speaking a single word of English and then several other times as I talked about so many different things, including our days being numbered and not knowing how our lives will end, and the importance of connecting to your heart and looking deep within to find your deeper truth and your true north.
Going through the motions without any real purpose and connection to yourself and to life will never do. Everything is ONE. We are ALL one and we are ALL in this together in this world. I truly believe life is about people and community and how we interrelate and live together on this planet. This is the context from which I look at Life. To me, it is about loving each other and making things work for everyone instead of desensitizing and having no empathy by labeling others and not connecting to their life experience or pain at all. That’s just too easy… and evil, if you ask me.
We can do so much better. We were meant to. It’s why we are even born. Listen to this episode and see how you can impact life and the world. I believe in you and your part. I believe in US all bringing all the pieces together as ONE.
WORK WITH ME – as mentioned in the episode, you can send me direct message on my Facebook or Instagram pages. You can also schedule a strategy session with me by filling this application here.
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