I love people in the world who are inspiring others by how they live. Here’s what’s interesting about these people… every single one of them did not really set out to do so; they only set out to be their best selves somehow. They decided to dig deep and create what it was they were after and to not leave their happiness or fulfillment in life up to someone else.
Are you inspiring others by how you live? Are you inspiring yourself? If not, you are likely feeling deflated, powerless, depressed, and pretty hopeless. That sucks but that is also easy to fix. Yes, easy! I’ll tell you how in 4 simple words: MAKE CHANGES, NOT EXCUSES! That’s it. That’s all it takes.
The minute you come up with an excuse, you’re finished. Don’t even attempt to put the blame on someone or something else! Your life all comes down to you and your choices… especially your choice of attitude and perspective on life.
Since that is the case, stop all negativity STAT! Set the bar high for yourself on everything you are and do and go after attaining that which you seek. By doing this, I promise you you’ll automatically be inspiring others by how you live in addition to your own self by growing beyond your very own expectations.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving