I am putting simple systems in place in my life. I do this regularly and have done so for many years but got off my game last year while working for an account what seemed like 24/7/365 so I am resetting myself up now.
That’s life. Sometimes we get off course; the point is always to get back on track as soon as you see it. After 6 months I knew, “No way, no how am I going to continue doing this to myself.” No amount of money is worth working yourself to the bone, especially for people who really don’t care and are basically just out for themselves. No amount!
Anyway, I used to always say that these simple systems of mine were the key to my success and that’s because they truly were. When you have things set up properly – systems, rituals, habits – to cope with your life and manage it, it simply runs like clockwork.
Simple Systems Make You Fearless
My systems run the gamut. From where I put things so that I can always find them to how I go about my day to how I deal with the mail or feeling blue, I have a routine for how I handle recurring stuff. Does this mean I don’t misplace things? Does this mean I have a perfect life and don’t have clutter and never have a bad moment? OF COURSE NOT! But what I do have is a way for dealing with all those things and that’s what makes my life great. I always feel up to the challenge of living because I have tools and techniques in place that I know will help me cope with whatever gets thrown my way. It’s that simple!
Years ago, one of my sisters asked: how do you always stay up? how do you get yourself out of a funk? Simple, I said. I keep a little list of what to do when my mood and energy go down. First, it was an actual list. Then, it simply became an automatic process. I literally had it down to a science. I knew what worked for me and I applied it and then it became an art.
Same as now. I was off my game? No problem. I know EXACTLY how to get back to my best self. Step #1 – get back to writing, get back to communicating my love of life and helping others with my people. See? Simple. I have a system in place. I know what to do and so here I am, 11 days in now, easy as pie. 😉
Do you have simple systems in place to help you stop stumbling in your life when you find yourself all over the place? If so, please share them in the comments. You never know… your systems may just help someone else who’s struggling in a way you no longer do.
All my love to you always,
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving
FREE “CREATE THE LIFE YOU REALLY WANT” WORKSHOP WEBINAR for those of you who want to improve yourselves and your lives
In this FREE 1-Hour Workshop Webinar, you will:
- Learn the 5 SIMPLE STEPS to take to create the life you want
…and receive a checklist to use as a guide & stay on track
- Get CLARITY on what’s working & what’s not in your life
…by asking yourself the 3 most important questions
- Put together a PLAN OF ACTION for progress & results
…including daily practices to start implementing right away
Sign up here for instant access to this life-changing FREE coaching session where we will actually do the work so that our lives can be better not one day someday but right now, today, immediately! I look forward to seeing you on the inside and to you walking away with a plan to succeed! 😃
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