
The Daily Inspiration: The Present Moment

REAL YOU LIVING BLOG 006 (2021) - THE DAILY INSPIRATION - THE PRESENT MOMENT by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

The present moment can bring you right to your center as few things can. Try this and see for yourself how. Stop looking at the computer screen or set down your phone to the side for a moment after you read each sentence that follows. Do what each tells you to. Come back and read […]

The Daily Inspiration: Enjoy Being Human

REAL YOU LIVING BLOG 005 (2021) - THE DAILY INSPIRATION - ENJOY BEING HUMAN by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

Enjoy. What a simple yet powerful word. To enjoy means to take delight or pleasure in. And here’s what I want to tie that to this morning – being human. Enjoy your time being a human being on this planet right now. Whether happy or sad, healthy or not, whatever your state of being, marvel […]

The Daily Inspiration: Do The Work You Love

REAL YOU LIVING BLOG 004 (2021) - THE DAILY INSPIRATION - DO THE WORK YOU LOVE by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

It is said that when you do the work you love, you never really work a day in your life. In my experience, nothing could be more true! I have spent the last few days getting my work back online. Of course, I’ve encountered challenges in dealing with tech and in managing time and tasks. […]

The Daily Inspiration: Negativity

REAL YOU LIVING BLOG 003 (2021) - THE DAILY INSPIRATION - NEGATIVITY by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

Negativity is one of those things in life that doesn’t really serve much of a purpose. Pessimism, cynicism, gloom, complaints… what good are any of these for? It seems like it would be worthless and, yet, how powerful negativity is! Let’s take a look. Yesterday, I woke up early as I always do. However, it […]

The Daily Inspiration: Connection

REAL YOU LIVING BLOG 002 (2021) - THE DAILY INSPIRATION - CONNECTION by Life Writer Life Speaker Life Coach Narah Valenska Smith

Few things in life are as important as connection and not just any old connection either but the connection. That would be to God or Source or whatever you choose to call the energy that surrounds and envelops us all. If you don’t have that interrelation, that knowing – if you don’t even acknowledge that […]