
If you don’t know how to stop overthinking, you’re in for a treat because I’m going to tell you right here! If I were to be superficial, I’d say, knock it off! However, while that direct, tough love might set you straight, we still wouldn’t be getting to the bottom of the issue. In no time at all, it’d pop right back up.

A more practical approach to stop overthinking would be to do the exact opposite, which is taking action. Again, simple, right? Indeed. However, it is easier said than done. If it were that easy, you wouldn’t be overthinking at all in the first place.

Here’s what you really need to know about overthinking. Overthinking is a habit. It is a symptom of not believing you’re not good enough. This, in turn, is due to a lack of self-esteem rooted in decisions made in your past. Yep! The rabbit hole goes deep and keeps going deeper and deeper still.

Getting Out Of Your Head

When you find yourself ruminating about the same thing over and over again, you are overthinking! Replaying things in your mind – whether they happened in the past, are currently taking place, or is something in your future – keeps you stuck and trapped in your head.

Getting out of your head, therefore, is priority number one. Worry, stress, shame, guilt, anger, could haves and should haves, regret – none of these are positive. And, more importantly, none are solutions. While it is important to feel, you cannot stay in the same emotion.

So, what do you do to get out of your head? Here are the steps:

  1. Awareness. Notice you are in your head by how you are feeling. If you feel stressed and frayed, you’re in your head and overthinking stuff.
  2. Acknowledge without judgment. Seeing this will allow you to tell yourself, “Alright, I’m doing it again!” That’s all. No need for beating yourself up!
  3. Stop! Once you have caught yourself in the act, you can tell yourself to stop. The same way you let go of your wrist if you are holding it with your other hand, you tell yourself and your brain to stop it and you stop.
  4. Assess the situation. And now, when stopped yourself in your tracks, you can then take a real good look at your situation. This is very different than overthinking. Being mindful and objective gives you the right place to look from – a place of being centered and in your power.
  5. Talk to your heart. Lastly, connect with your heart and ask your inner higher self and that voice of God inside that speaks to you, what’s really so, what’s really going on, and what you should do. I promise you, it’ll tell you the honest to goodness truth every time, without fail.

Take Action To Start Really Living

As you can see, all of these are actions. They are solutions based on being spiritually aligned, not ego-driven, which is what “problems” are. Once you can move forward from this place of centeredness, you can look at what exactly causes you to overthink. Although all answers are ultimately based on lack of worthiness, you can pinpoint whether it’s your perfectionist tendencies, your fear of failure, success, or rejection, or something else.

Now, which area of your life would you radically transform if you did the above more consistently? And, more importantly, in what ways could you take positive action in this area instead of being stuck in your head doing nothing but stress out?

Share your answers in a comment below to inspire someone else and, as a reminder to yourself, that it’s time to stop overthinking and start really living.

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy. Remember Gravity. Life is too short and too beautiful to waste.

Narah Valenska
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving | #RockYourLife | #BornForThis

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021
10:51 AM
Miami, FL

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