
Today, I was going to write about taking leadership in your life. However, on my morning run, spontaneity came up to be shared instead.

Out of all the things I have ever done, honoring my intuition and acting from spontaneity has always yielded the best results. Don’t get me wrong – I believe planning, structure, and being disciplined with our schedules, tasks, and goals are extremely important to our peace and well-being. But, it is definitely those moments that I have felt nudged to act differently than planned that has served me the most.

If you’re typically more of a planner, watch for those opportunities to step out of your comfort zone and act as you feel guided to at the moment.

Fear Will Rob You of Spontaneity

Another reason to allow spontaneity in your life is that that’s when you’re fully trusting and co-creating with God in real-time. If you need to do everything just so in your life so that you can be sure of a certain outcome, fear will rob you of that freedom to be in the moment with God.

In my situation this morning, I had other plans and not just for this blog post. I was meant to go on my run at sunrise but, even after coffee, was not at all feeling it. “Give it some time. Do not push,” I told myself.

I moved on to check email and “accidentally” clicked on one with a podcast of one of my favorite authors! This from a list I almost unsubscribed from before, no less!

Excitedly, I started to play the podcast only to realize it was an hour-long episode. Right then and there, I thought to myself, “No reason I can’t listen to this on my run!” And, just like that, the energy and inspiration that was lacking to go showed up for me to do just that.

Now, what was the word that most resonated with me in the interview? Wouldn’t you know it? Spontaneity, of course!

What a powerful word!

Always listen to the wisdom from your higher self and God and follow your heart to the right action. I promise you this: you’ll never be led wrong!

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy. Remember Gravity. Life is too short and too beautiful to waste.

Narah Valenska
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving | #RockYourLife | #BornForThis

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021
11:45 AM
Miami, FL

P.S. Only 3 Days Left!


A reminder that my Rock Your Life Bootcamp Relaunch Sale ends Friday, June 15, 2021, at 12 noon Eastern Time. Don’t miss savings of $1,500 and all the new things for the first 10 people who register!

In a nutshell, this 5-week course is a place to gather yourself and put the puzzle pieces of your life together with my direct, daily support. There will also be a group this time around!

The outcome is you not only getting skills, tools, and techniques but also resolution on limiting self issues, patterns and beliefs that will end your self-sabotage so that you can Be The Real You and create a life you REALLY love!

To see all the info and learn all about it, go here now!

I want you to feel clear, wonderful, happy, and fulfilled. For that to happen, you must let go of all the fears you may have and embrace your potential! I want to see you in my community and course.

I look forward to being with you and working with you very much!

N ❤️

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