
The present moment can bring you right to your center as few things can. Try this and see for yourself how.

Stop looking at the computer screen or set down your phone to the side for a moment after you read each sentence that follows. Do what each tells you to. Come back and read the next one and, again, do as it says.

Look at your hands. Really look at them. Look at the lines, the veins, your fingers. Notice your fingernails, the color on them if they are painted. Check out the rings you may have on or if you have none at all.

Now, feel your hands one with the other. Notice the sensations.

Clasp them together. Take them apart.

Now, look at your palms.

Put all your focus and attention on your hands. Then, take a deep breath.

Now, look up and notice how you’re in the present moment now, just like that.

What’s Possible From The Present Moment

What’s possible from the present moment is calm and peace. From it, from your core – real you – place, you can now really take proper and effective action.

Do this any time you find yourself feeling off or negative in any way. Also, know that any item around you or even just the space around you will do too. Just focus on it, take a deep breath, and see how easy centering yourself can be!

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy. Remember Gravity. Life is too short and too beautiful to waste.

Narah Valenska
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving | #RockYourLife | #BornForThis

Monday, June 21st, 2021
9:50 AM
Miami, FL

P.S. Another Friendly Reminder

A reminder that my Rock Your Life Bootcamp is having its Relaunch Sale until this coming Friday, June 15, 2021, at 12 noon Eastern Time. Don’t miss savings of $1,500 and all the new things for the first 10 people who register!

In a nutshell, this 5-week course is a place to gather yourself and put the puzzle pieces of your life together with my direct, daily support. There will also be a group this time around and more.

The outcome is you not only getting skills, tools, and techniques but also resolution on limiting self issues, patterns and beliefs that will end your self-sabotage so that you can Be The Real You and create a life you REALLY love!

To see all the info and learn all about it, go here now!

I want you to feel clear, wonderful, happy, and fulfilled. For that to happen, you must let go of all the fears you may have and embrace your potential! I want to see you in my community and course.

I look forward to being with you and working with you very much!

N ❤️

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