
You have the power to do many things in this world, the main one being to improve it. The question is, are you willing to do the work on yourself so that you are actually able and available?

Many people want to make a difference. They want to change and become better people. But very few want to show up and actually do the work.

It doesn’t matter if you have a vision. It doesn’t matter if you have a dream. That’s only the beginning. You actually have to get to the doing part to see those things come together.

The reason people don’t do what they need to do is they don’t believe in themselves. If they did, they’d dutifully be at what they want to create. This is where coaching comes in.

Do The Work To Claim Your Power

One of the things I work on with people is not just their mindset but their beliefs. This is what keeps them from taking action. You can be the most positive person, in general, and love life deeply. Your beliefs about yourself, however, may be pure garbage!

I know this not just from theory or study but from personal experience. I was once a lovely soul who was downright broken deep down inside. On the outside, I could keep going and even my ignorance was bliss to a degree.

Ultimately, however, this brokenness nearly killed my own inspiration and determination to keep moving in the direction I wanted to go in. That is until I got it all cleared up BY LEARNING LOTS OF NEW THINGS with a mentor and a coach!

What a happy day it is now to no longer be stuck, thanks be to God! My goodness, what a journey it has been! I didn’t even know that I didn’t even know I was in my own way in the way that I was!

If you’re not getting to where you REALLY want to go, take a chance on learning something new that you might not even realize you’re missing, as it happened to me. Know that where you are right now is the perfect place to start. No matter your fears, concerns, or trepidations, now is always the right time to step out of what you already know and what’s so easy in your comfort zone.

Know that you have the power to be who you were created to be. You always have! It’s up to you whether you decide to step into the opportunity presented so that you can use your power not just for your benefit but for the benefit of all. No one but you can do that! ONLY YOU get to DECIDE!

All my love to you always,

Narah Valenska Smith - Writer - NarahValenska.com - Writing. Speaking. Heart to heart. Soul to soul. You Are Worthy. Remember Gravity. Life is too short and too beautiful to waste.

Narah Valenska
“Life is too short & too beautiful to waste!”
#BeTheRealYou | #OneLife | #RealYouLiving | #RockYourLife | #BornForThis

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021
11:49 AM
Miami, FL

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